teacher development

TTT: the good, the bad and the ugly!

Gone are the days when teachers were the sole source of knowledge. The Internet has revolutionised society by granting everyone access to the information, meaning that listening to a teacher talking on and on about a topic is not only unnecessary but actually rather boring. It is therefore inevitable that teachers reflect upon their role...Read More

What does it take to be an English language teacher in Brazil?

I think I must have seen this question a million times: “What does it take to be an English language teacher?” “Courage” springs to mind. At least that’s what I needed when I broke the news to my dear father that I wouldn’t be a lawyer like him (“Quem não faz Direito faz errado,” he...Read More

My journey to becoming an e-moderator – Part II – the time when I became an online student

Dear all, this is my second post about my journey to becoming an e-moderator. This time, I’m going to tell you about the time I became an online student myself. Some of the courses I had to take at university were only offered online. I had never done anything like that before (as a student)...Read More

Neuroscience and teaching English?

Hello! It’s good to be back after a couple of months (ok, maybe more 😉 ) away from the blog.  For the rest of this year, I’d like to consider the role of neuroscience in language learning and teaching. What is neuroscience and how is it interesting to language teachers? Are you interested in how...Read More

Seeking continuous development (part 2)

Working in recruiting and teacher training, I came to notice that Knowledge and Skills (which we dealt with last month) may get your CV noticed, but what determines your success in your career in the end, are the two As in Donald Freeman’s KASA framework: Attitude and Awareness. A long time ago, during one of...Read More

Do instructions have to be that dull?

Instructions are an important part of every teacher’s life. They can either make or break our lessons, getting students in the best mood imaginable or sending them into a downward spiral of discontentment (has anyone ever heard students react with sighs of “reading again?”). How can we guarantee that the second doesn’t happen?  Imagine a...Read More

Keeping my word (of the day)

  It’s that resolute time of the year again. And as we are all still following through with the promises we made on New Year’s Eve, here’s a resolution from me: keep my #WordoftheDay tag on Facebook. Daily. “Surely,” a kind soul might ask, “you don’t have that many words left to learn?” I wish....Read More
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