
Treinamentos (e certificados) não são suficientes para o Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores de Inglês

Você certamente já conheceu algum profissional que participa de inúmeras oficinas, faz cursos incansavelmente e adora colecionar certificados. Muito provavelmente já deve ter ouvido alguns desses mesmos profissionais dizerem que não conseguem evoluir em suas carreiras como professores de inglês. Certo? O que várias pessoas não percebem é que, apesar de terem uma enorme dedicação...Read More

Podcasts as a Learning Activator for Educators

Have you ever considered the good side of waiting in line, being stuck in a traffic jam, waiting at the doctor’s office?  Well, you might feel mad, impatient, or even cranky. But wait? Is there a way to change all these negative feelings into the opposite spectrum, like feeling energized, inspired and wanting to change...Read More

What is the recipe to design a language course?

How long does it take to learn English? That is probably the one-million question of our era. At a time of fast-food, instant messages, real-time distance interaction, and quick fixes to (almost) everything, learning a language becomes one more item on our “fast-track” bucket list. As a way to attract market and become more competitive,...Read More

Reflection Makes Perfect

The globalized world in the twenty-first-century has brought the English language to the status of lingua franca as countries worldwide use it as the main means of communication for social, economic, and educational purposes. For that reason, the learning of English as a foreign language (EFL) has become a growing issue and a variety of...Read More
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