language awareness

People are still struggling with the role of Grammar in bilingual education…

It is amazing how difficult it is for us to let go of old habits, old beliefs, traditional ways of doing things. That is not different with teachers… although one might expect it to be. Recent and not so recent studies about language acquisiton have pointed out the importance of acquiring a language in a...Read More

Language Awareness – an article summary II

January is already over, and I hope you have managed to soldier on with your resolutions through this first month. In December, I set myself the goal of learning more about language development and shared the first part of an article summary on language awareness (LA) for teachers. In this post, I summarise more content...Read More

Language Development: A short self-study guide for teachers

“A teacher who loves learning earns the right and the ability to help others learn.” ― Ruth Beechick, An Easy Start in Arithmetic, Grades K-3 In my last post, I talked about writing. The reason why I wrote about it is because I write, and writing is my journey into the core of the English language. The...Read More
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