educational technology

The redefinition of list-making: what does it mean to teachers?

Why do we make lists? Jillian Steinhauer  in a 2012 blog post  says “We are a society of listers.” In other words, we could all be called “glazomaniacs” according to which defines “glazomania” as a passion for list-making. We seem to enjoy lists: to-do lists, grocery lists, best-sellers lists, new year resolution lists and...Read More

When Technology Overlaps Language and Pedagogy

English language learners in the 21st century are in the center of a technological revolution. Prensky (2001a) referred to today’s children as “digital natives” and acknowledged the fact that today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach. Moreover, research has indicated that today’s average young adult has spent fewer...Read More

Back from BETT 2014

The end of January always means one thing for me as Digital Publisher at Richmond: BETT! As three weeks have passed since New Year’s Eve, I will probably have had a glass of wine, a cream cake and a sneaky cigarette but I do stick to my resolution of getting to this amazing conference and...Read More
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