
What are the CLIL teacher´s competences?

Many authors agree that the most important aspect to CLIL implementation regardless of the context is a competent teacher. There is a shortage of well qualified CLIL teachers around the world (MEHISTO; MARSH; FRIGOLS, 2008). Ball, Kelly and Klegg (2015, p.268) point out that most of the teachers practicing CLIL ”are unlikely to have received...Read More

CLIL is the New Black

Sunny afternoon in the capital of Brazil, a group of teachers awaits for the presentation of the new coursebooks. Curious eyes on the presenters, colorful boxes on the shelves and the expectation to end the day with grids and tables filled with content that would translate into a year’s worth of teaching. To their surprise,...Read More

To CLIL or Not To CLIL in Bilingual Education?

Ten years ago, you were working as an English teacher at a school, and your worries were how to help students develop their productive and receptive skills. Your lesson was basically focused on reading, writing, listening, and speaking, even if you followed innovative trends, included different technologies and authentic materials. Then, something happened. You heard...Read More

The Translanguaging Pedagogy: Friend or Foe?

Translanguaging is a term that was first coined in 1994 as trawsieithu (translanguaging in Welsh) by Welsh researcher Cen Williams in order to refer to the processes in which English and Welsh were used for different reasons and purposes in the same class. For example, students would read or listen to content in English and...Read More

In Search of a Latin American Identity for CLIL

CLIL has been the starting point for the majority of bilingual education programs and methodologies across the globe. Born in 1994 with the establishment of the European Community, CLIL was an attempt to standardize bilingual education approaches within the comunity, or at least to determine a range of  practices that, based on a common concept,...Read More

Assessment in CLIL and bilingual education: more than just language

EFL teachers that change into a bilingual education environment, often tend to forget that they are not teaching language as the primary goal anymore and that has dramatic implications. The acronym CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning – implies that there is much more to it than just language teaching. But what is there...Read More

Is CLIL an approach to apply to our EFL lessons?

CLIL is a fairly recent way of teaching. An acronym standing for Content and Language Integrated Learning – according to Mehisto et all [2008] it is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language.  A lot is said and discussed about CLIL...Read More
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