
Competências Digitais docentes: o que eu preciso saber sobre isso?

Julci Rocha * Eu sou uma cidadã brasileira de 43 anos que viveu sua infância e adolescência na periferia de São Paulo. Mesmo tendo uma condição financeira desfavorável, tive acesso ao universo dos computadores já na infância, com um microcomputador que meu irmão mais velho ligava na televisão e ensaiava seus primeiros programas. No ensino...Read More

What are the CLIL teacher´s competences?

Many authors agree that the most important aspect to CLIL implementation regardless of the context is a competent teacher. There is a shortage of well qualified CLIL teachers around the world (MEHISTO; MARSH; FRIGOLS, 2008). Ball, Kelly and Klegg (2015, p.268) point out that most of the teachers practicing CLIL ”are unlikely to have received...Read More

The Bilingual Business in Times of Crisis

It is a fact that the crisis has arrived at schools in Brazil. There is usually a delay in the effect of the crisis on regular schools compared to other businesses, especially because parents resist to make any changes in their children’s education, unless there is no other option after they have cut all other...Read More
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