Storytelling, Memoirs, Diaries, biographies and Autobiographies
Something needs to happen to someone to make a story. How we tell that event is what makes or breaks the story.
I love stories that begin ” I remember “. That catch phrase for me, transports me to wherever the story teller is willing to take me.
” I remember” validates a happenstance.
” I remember” tells me it’s true, or it was true, or it could somehow still be true.
” I remember” could answer why questions, how questions, who questions, when questions….
Diaries are a very successful genre that children are reading. Wimpy kid diary, Dork Diaries, Dear Dumb Diary, Ann Frank, Zlota, etc.
Children are reading, relating, experiencing life vicariously through literature. Something to relate to. Something to self identify.
Because chapters are short, it’s easier to read alone as well as be read to.
Reading diaries leads to fun, easy journal writing activities. Short, sweet, one event, observation, one moment.