New Year's Resolutions | RichmondShare Blog | High quality content and interaction in the ELT world

New Year’s Resolutions

resolution / ˌrɛz əˈlu ʃən /

2. the act of resolving or determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.

3. a resolve; a decision or determination: to make a firm resolution to do something.

4. the mental state or quality of being resolved or resolute; firmness of purpose.

Here we go again… Along with the new year come the infamous resolutions, the cathartic pledge of self-improvement that will jumpstart the school year. Dating as far back as the Babylonians (4,000 years ago), who pledged loyalty to their king, and promised god to pay their debts and return the farming tools they had borrowed from their neighbors, little has changed when it comes to keeping said resolutions.

When Julius Caesar tinkered with the calendar to honor Janus, the two-faced god who guarded doorways and gates, thus establishing January as the first month of the year, the practice received a new layer of meaning, that of looking back to the past and waving to the future.

As a teacher, I have done my fair share of resolutions and, to be honest, I still do. My full ritual includes buying the perfect planner (about which I will complain at some point during the year because it wasn’t quite perfect enough); paying a visit to the stationary store to treat myself to colored pens, markers, and assorted items of little practical use; prepare a month’s worth of lesson plans; and make a list of books I probably won’t finish reading for next five years.

This year I decided to publish my promises of good conduct here in the hope that others teachers may find them useful and/or will hold them against me and, therefore, will help me keep my knightly vows. Here they go…

Spend less (time thinking about what could have been), save more (savor the moment). Life is what we make of it! Sometimes the grass looks greener across the fence, but most of the time it’s because it’s made of plastic.

Help others (and seek help). We are constantly helping others, but we seldom ask for help when we need it. Our bodies will name their price if we fail to see those signs.

Learn a new skill or hobby. Keep on learning! Learn something exciting, share with others and collaborate more. The product of what we learn is something no one can take away from us

Fall in love (with my career without forgetting about my family). After all, they are the ones who are there for the long run. Some say “blood is thicker than water” to refer to blood relatives when it actually means the blood spilled in battle with those who were by our side.

To expiate my previous faults and leave behind unsavory habits, I hereby vow to keep my resolutions for the current year and wish all the teachers out there a great year!







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Ana Carolina Calil

I’m a passionate educator with 23+ years of ELT experience and a master's degree in Applied Linguistics and an MBA in school management. I have focused my career on building strong and cohesive teams in order to make learning happen beyond the classroom walls. Currently working as a coordinator at Colégio Arvense, my mission is to help teachers with the design of great learning experiences.

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