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Trends in ELT

Before we worry about ChatGPT, let’s enjoy it

If you’re a teacher, it is very unlikely that you haven’t heard about ChatGPT. But in case you haven’t, to put it simply, ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.  This tool has raised many concerns among many professionals, but especially educators as ChatGPT is likely to be used by...Read More

ChatGPT and the future of teaching: some reflections

The past couple of months have witnessed some uproar on what chatGPT bot is able to do. There is fear of a ‘threat’ to our jobs and to teaching and learning. I may not know much, but I learned earlier in life that everything changes and we evolve. Perhaps technology has brought us yet another...Read More

O que é uma perspectiva decolonial de ensino em/de inglês?

Muito se tem discutido sobre decolonialidade na educação na atualidade, mas o que é isso mesmo? A decolonialidade tem como objetivo romper paradigmas cristalizados nas relações socioculturais, político-econômicas, étnico-raciais e de gênero/sexualidade impostas pelos processos da colonialidade do poder. Por sua vez, o conceito de colonialidade do poder (QUIJANO, 2000) esclarece que as relações de...Read More

Entrepreneurial Mindset – How does that relate to teachers? (1)

What exactly does it mean to have an Entrepreneurial Mindset? According to Arash Asli (2018), “The entrepreneurial mindset is about a certain way of thinking — it is about the way in which you approach challenges and mistakes. It is about an inherent need to improve your skillset and to try and try again.” I...Read More

CLIL is the New Black

Sunny afternoon in the capital of Brazil, a group of teachers awaits for the presentation of the new coursebooks. Curious eyes on the presenters, colorful boxes on the shelves and the expectation to end the day with grids and tables filled with content that would translate into a year’s worth of teaching. To their surprise,...Read More

You’ve Got a(n ELT) Friend

In 2019 we had the opportunity to work together on different projects. Such projects involved writing for the Richmond blog, going live on different social media websites and delivering an online course for teachers. We’d like to start by commenting on the online course experience. Needless to say how this course enriched us. While organizing...Read More

Setting your students’ GPS: destination – SUCCESS

As 2020 begins, teachers all around the world get ready to receive their students for a new term, and I am no different.. As I write, I am enjoying my last days of the summer break, and yet I am already mentally planning how I can make my school year the best one again. That...Read More

Dealing With Teenagers’ Demotivation in The Classroom

One of the biggest concerns among teachers who work with teenagers is that they seem to be demotivated most of the time. It’s often said that teenage students don’t participate in classes so enthusiastically or don’t show interest in the activities. While that may be true, it will rarely happen to the whole group. Even...Read More

Standing the test of time

Monday, 6 p.m., the sun peeking through the blinds in the brick and mortar language school building in Brazil. The teacher enters the room carrying a bag of props, flashcards, and her tape recorder. The recorder being to her as precious as a map to a Geography teacher: “Hi, John Peter! How are you today?”...Read More
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