Teacher Development

Keeping my word (of the day)

  It’s that resolute time of the year again. And as we are all still following through with the promises we made on New Year’s Eve, here’s a resolution from me: keep my #WordoftheDay tag on Facebook. Daily. “Surely,” a kind soul might ask, “you don’t have that many words left to learn?” I wish....Read More

Une Tomate Rouge and How Languages Work

                1. Une Tomate Rouge Less than a month ago I decided to take up French and I am already being faced with big challenges: I had assumed that languages close to your own in the language tree should not be too hard to learn, so I picked...Read More

Checking up on checking

Checking exercises is so deeply ingrained in our teaching practice that we seldom give it a thought. Asking students to report back after a small-group activity is also common practice ever since the boom of the communicative approach.  But are we making the best use of classroom time or could we just be doing it...Read More

Metalinguagem: ensinar ou não ensinar? Eis a questão!

O Dicionário Houaiss da Língua Portugesa define metalinguagem como “linguagem (natural ou formalizada) que serve para descrever ou falar sobre uma outra linguagem, natural ou artificial”. De modo simples, trata-se da linguagem que usamos para falar sobre a língua(gem). Em inglês, metalinguagem é chamada de metalanguage e, do ponto de vista linguístico, é recomendável referir-se...Read More

Mentoring: As Good as it Gets

When I started teaching a long time ago, I didn’t have a mentor. I had colleagues and students, and occasionally I would seek help from a more experienced teacher. It was usually a question about the material or language that I couldn’t answer myself. Other than that, I relied pretty much on teachers’ guides even...Read More
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