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Teacher Development

Finders keepers, losers weepers

“Help I need somebody (Help) not just anybody (Help) you know I need someone (Help)” New school year, same old problems! After a well-deserved break, school administrators come back to find that part of their staff has left them hanging and, while staff shortage is seen as the Achille’s heel of ELT, few managers are...Read More

4 Educational podcasts for curious teachers

The ones who interact with me know what a podcast freak I am for more than a decade now, when it was still a hustle to transfer a podcast to my mp3 player. All of it to bring new and fresh learning experiences to my students. Even when I didn’t have connection, it worked. When...Read More

ChatGPT and the future of teaching: some reflections

The past couple of months have witnessed some uproar on what chatGPT bot is able to do. There is fear of a ‘threat’ to our jobs and to teaching and learning. I may not know much, but I learned earlier in life that everything changes and we evolve. Perhaps technology has brought us yet another...Read More

Designing the learning experience we want our learners to have

Starting a new semester is always exciting: that feeling of starting over, but knowing a bit more and being able to make it a bit better! So I would like to start this year’s posts focusing our attention on our ability to design learning experiences as we shape our own journey as educators. So let’s...Read More

The Work Behind The Scenes

While scrolling through my Instagram feed I usually come across a lot of posts from teachers who advertise themselves as super organized and productive. It does make sense since being a teacher requires a set of skills that we learn to develop throughout the years. Another kind of post which is usually seen is the...Read More

“Teacher-researcher”… What does that even mean?

We know what a teacher is. We know what a researcher is. But what happens when we merge these two concepts? Picture the following: you check your calendar to know what classes you need to teach this week. Then you check you class records to remember where you stopped and prepare for the next lesson....Read More

“Do you develop your own material…?”

“…or do you use a coursebook?” I’ve been asked this question several times this January.  I can’t say I’m surprised because recently I’ve seen independent teachers use authentic materials more often. Some have even taken a few steps further and developed a whole course material of their own… I wonder why that is. From an...Read More
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