Reflections about Education

Multi-level Classrooms: a challenge worth facing

Hi! As a teaching consultant in public and private schools, I often hear teachers complain about problems in multi-level classrooms. With 30-40 students in class, they dream of smaller and leveled classes – something difficult to implement given the spacing logistics of breaking a group in three and having three teachers instead of just one...Read More

O que nunca lhe contaram sobre terminar um curso de idiomas em tempo recorde

O aumento da renda familiar ocorrida nos últimos anos aliado à crescente demanda do mercado de trabalho por profissionais com fluência em inglês têm ocasionado um grande aumento na demanda por cursos de idiomas no Brasil. Afinal de contas, para ter um bom currículo e tornar-se um profissional valorizado é essencial aprender uma segunda língua o...Read More

– “Seminars and conferences? No, thanks. Been there, done that, took a selfie. I’ve seen it all.”

If, like me, you have been in the field of TEFL for what I choose to call a substantial amount of time, you have probably (over)heard teachers, or even work colleagues say, “I’ve participated in so many seminars and conferences that I really don’t see the point of keeping attending them anymore. I’ve seen it...Read More

Idioms? Not my cup of tea.

I’ve always had a strange sense of foreboding when teaching idiomatic expressions. A while back I was teaching a lesson based on personality, and we ended up looking at some idioms: couch potato, wet blanket, backseat driver, chip on your shoulder, etc. We explored the meaning, did some practise, then discussed some questions about people we know...Read More

Gostoso é aprender sem perceber!

Com que frequência você se depara com a afirmação que dá título a este post, ou com alguma de suas inúmeras variações, especialmente no contexto da divulgação de métodos de ensino e/ou aprendizagem? No que concerne à aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, uma rápida pesquisa no Google logo comprova a presença dessa assertiva no discurso de...Read More

Pendulum swings, babies and bathwater: an appeal for common sense

I  recently came across a blog post by Cathy Moore titled ‘How to respond to learning styles believers’, in which she talks about the perils of debunking theories to which people have become quite accustomed and attached to over the years, but which have been shown not to be based on evidence – in this...Read More
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