Reflections about Education

Ask not what the internet can do for you

When we, English teachers, think of the internet, we often tend to think about what it has to offer: unlimited information at our fingertips, ready-made materials for download, songs with their lyrics, clipart and other graphic resources, teaching ideas, podcasts, videos, tutorials, educational online games and many other resources that were unavailable when most of...Read More

Ser fluente é falar como um nativo. Será?

No artigo 7 conceitos de fluência e o que você deveria saber a respeito dela, apresentei algumas definições de “fluência” comumente encontradas na internet e procurei mostrar como elas são ainda bastante vagas e controversas (mesmo entre os profissionais da área de idiomas), dando ensejo aos mais diversos usos e abusos do termo pelo mercado....Read More

Teachers as practitioner researchers

“…and three things really matter: (1) deciding on something that you want to do; (2) that you can do; and (3) that is really worth doing.” —- Keith Richards, Qualitative Enquiry in TESOL (2003) When teachers investigate their own practice through research, they become practitioner researchers. To become a practitioner researcher, we need to nurture...Read More

Is CLIL an approach to apply to our EFL lessons?

CLIL is a fairly recent way of teaching. An acronym standing for Content and Language Integrated Learning – according to Mehisto et all [2008] it is a dual-focused educational approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language.  A lot is said and discussed about CLIL...Read More

7 conceitos de fluência e o que você deveria saber a respeito dela

No artigo intitulado O que nunca lhe contaram sobre terminar um curso de idiomas em tempo recorde, procurei contextualizar e explicar criticamente o surgimento da necessidade de se falar um idioma “fluentemente” (o mais depressa possível) em decorrência principalmente da mudança de paradigma e das exigências do mercado na sociedade atual. Indo na direção contrária,...Read More

The Exposure Conundrum

I honestly believe that learning a language is a lot closer to learning a musical instrument than it is to preparing for a school exam. I also clearly remember the day that I shared with my guitar instructor that I’d finally bought a case for my guitar – surprisingly, he wasn’t thrilled and simply asked...Read More

Teaching English One on One to 40+ year-old Adults – Some Insights

By no means is this post intended to teach techniques or activities to teachers working with older students on a one-on-one basis. As suggested in the title, I have written this article with the sole purpose of sharing some insights and reflections I have gathered from over eight years’ experience teaching this target group of...Read More

Have you ever wondered why English is the way it is?

“So now you must choose… Are you a child who has not yet become world-weary? Or are you a philosopher who will vow never to become so? To children, the world and everything in it is new, something that gives rise to astonishment. It is not like that for adults. Most adults accept the world...Read More

Always check instructions, always check instructions, always check instructions, always check…………

If you look up the word ´mantra´ in a dictionary, you will probably come across one of two defintions. Firstly, it can be a sacred verbal formula used in Hinduism, which is repeated in prayer or meditation. Or secondly, it is a commonly repeated word or phrase, which often becomes a truism, regardless of its...Read More
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