Reflections about Education

Leave the stress outside and now focus on the class! 

Faster! Faster! I have to be able to speak English faster! If I start classes with you now, when am I going to be fluent? – says almost every student we have ever had. We’ve been living in a so-called Information Era and that speeds everything up, so let’s take a look from a more...Read More

Diversity and the danger of having an opinion about what you don’t know

A couple of months ago a friend of mine reported on his page on Facebook a situation that had happened to his son at school. It was a Portuguese lesson and the focus was defining and non-defining relative clauses. To cut a long story short, my friend’s son defended that that the sentence My father...Read More

Educators: A Plea for Auditing your Digital Literacies

It´s been a while that educational communities talk about digital literacies. This has been a topic of my interest for a decade now. Still, what we see is a group of educators who follow exactly the curve of innovation in which we have the early adopters way ahead, investing in the development of their digital...Read More

Understanding Classroom Life: My first steps into Exploratory Practice

Why do my students participate in my classes? This is the question I asked myself when I first met this group of twenty s teenagers age 15-16 years old. From day one, they took part in the activities and spoke English most of the time. I was puzzled. How come? We meet at the end...Read More

Quão certo está seu aluno sobre o caminho que precisa trilhar? (Parte 2)

No coaching profissional nós entendemos que se as ferramentas normalmente empregadas na administração de empresas costumam trazer resultados excelentes, elas deverão funcionar também em outras áreas da vida que não apenas nos negócios. Haja visto que nós coaches somos apaixonados por tarefas, metas, objetivos e propósitos (nesta ordem) é bem simples compreender a razão pela...Read More
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