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Reflections about Education

Achieving Harmony in Teaching and Personal Life

As a teacher or teacherpreneur, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the demands of the job. Lesson planning, grading, checking homework, and doing administrative tasks can quickly pile up, leaving little – if any – time for leisure activities. However, finding a healthy work-life balance is crucial for maintaining physical and mental well-being, and...Read More

Finders keepers, losers weepers

“Help I need somebody (Help) not just anybody (Help) you know I need someone (Help)” New school year, same old problems! After a well-deserved break, school administrators come back to find that part of their staff has left them hanging and, while staff shortage is seen as the Achille’s heel of ELT, few managers are...Read More

Before we worry about ChatGPT, let’s enjoy it

If you’re a teacher, it is very unlikely that you haven’t heard about ChatGPT. But in case you haven’t, to put it simply, ChatGPT is a chatbot developed by OpenAI and launched in November 2022.  This tool has raised many concerns among many professionals, but especially educators as ChatGPT is likely to be used by...Read More

P is for Personalization and Private one-to-one lessons. But what about larger groups?

A long time ago, I wrote a blog post here talking about the perks and perils of being a private teacher. At that time, I had been teaching private classes for just one year. I have mostly taught one-to-one lessons since 2017, even though I have now been a private teacher for 10 years. Although...Read More

Chat GPT: The death of writing lessons as we know them?

The fact that Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) has the potential to revolutionise education is neither theoretical nor futuristic at this point. Every year a new software is launched with the promise to shake our classroom practice to its foundation. In the last few months, the buzz has revolved around OpenAI’s latest version of the text-writing bot...Read More

ChatGPT and the future of teaching: some reflections

The past couple of months have witnessed some uproar on what chatGPT bot is able to do. There is fear of a ‘threat’ to our jobs and to teaching and learning. I may not know much, but I learned earlier in life that everything changes and we evolve. Perhaps technology has brought us yet another...Read More

Competências Digitais docentes: o que eu preciso saber sobre isso?

Julci Rocha * Eu sou uma cidadã brasileira de 43 anos que viveu sua infância e adolescência na periferia de São Paulo. Mesmo tendo uma condição financeira desfavorável, tive acesso ao universo dos computadores já na infância, com um microcomputador que meu irmão mais velho ligava na televisão e ensaiava seus primeiros programas. No ensino...Read More

Designing the learning experience we want our learners to have

Starting a new semester is always exciting: that feeling of starting over, but knowing a bit more and being able to make it a bit better! So I would like to start this year’s posts focusing our attention on our ability to design learning experiences as we shape our own journey as educators. So let’s...Read More

Will the world ever live as one?

“We live in a world we have not yet learned to look at” Marc Augé (Photograph taken at The Beatles Story, Liverpool)  We are living in a world in which we are being constantly bombarded with information about everything, from funny memes to world politics. We are often under the impression that we know and...Read More
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