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Lesson Ideas

Getting the Music of English Right

Modeling language is, among a number of other teaching techniques, one of the first things the novice teacher needs to put a lot of effort and energy into in order to have a hand on, to say the least. In most pre-service teacher training courses I have taught several times at different institutions along many...Read More

TTT: the good, the bad and the ugly!

Gone are the days when teachers were the sole source of knowledge. The Internet has revolutionised society by granting everyone access to the information, meaning that listening to a teacher talking on and on about a topic is not only unnecessary but actually rather boring. It is therefore inevitable that teachers reflect upon their role...Read More

Three Highlights from IATEFL Manchester Talks and Workshops

While technology has become a powerful tool to share information, talking to people face-to-face still remains unrivalled. Enjoying a meal together or connecting with others through a handshake — or even a few words, creates a synergy that promotes feelings of trust and collaboration;  it helps us build stronger relationships and a feeling of belonging....Read More

What a lead-in should and should not be

I am very fortunate to have the opportunity to observe around ten teachers each semester. These observations provide me with the chance to assess how effective our mentoring system and teacher induction sessions have been, as I typically observe teachers in their second semester at the institution. Methodologically speaking, most of the classes I observe...Read More

It’s the thing you use when you don’t know how to say the word you want

Generally defined as the unnecessary use of a large number of words to express an idea – when fewer, more direct ones would do – circumlocution seems to bear a somewhat negative connotation. It is often frowned upon by literary critics who tend to attach greater value to a more pragmatic approach to writing. In...Read More

My journey through the Linguistic Landscape

Photo by Higor Cavalcante | CC BY 2.0 No matter where you are in the world today, English is everywhere you look. It’s used in shop signs, products in the supermarket, the names of buildings, menus, graffiti, airports, public transport, shopping centres, notices, advertising posters and hoardings. In fact, here in Brazil there is even an...Read More

Menus for a Personalized Learning Experience

I was about to start this post, and had a totally different idea in mind. But then I couldn’t miss sharing with you such interesting, simple and effective idea for the classroom with all resources already there, a click away. I’ve just come across this post “Interactive Learning Menus (Choice Boards) Using Google Docs” , which...Read More
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