Language Acquisition
Stephen Greene

Language Acquisition: Order and Progress

I am sure there is nobody reading this post who would say the following to a student: “We did the past simple last month and you used it properly, why are you having problems with it now?” The reason we wouldn’t say this is because we are all trained, professional educators who know that learning...Read More

The hazy line between lexis and grammar

This post is a short account of two lessons I taught in 2002 which helped me to make sense of something I’d read about in the late 90s, but couldn’t get my head around. Not until then anyway. If you’ve been following me for some time, you know that I’m a big believer in experiential...Read More

What is ‘meaningful learning’?

Hello again! Many years ago I took a class in educational psychology and came across this quote from the cognitive psychologist, David Ausubel: “If I had to reduce all of cognitive psychology to one principle it would be this:  the most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows.  Ascertain this and...Read More
Stephen Greene

Language Acquisition: The Blue and White Teddy Bear

Picture the scene: A two-year-old boy with his dad having a conversation about a favourite teddy bear (not unlike the one in the photo). CHILD: Look daddy, this old teddy bear is pink. DAD: No, son, it’s blue and white. For a two-year-old this level of language would be pretty amazing,yet the father has chosen...Read More

The University of Edinburgh has just proven that I was right!

Good news for teachers (and even better news for students) of foreign languages: a new longitudinal research, whose results were recently published in a journal of the American Neurological Association, reveals that bilingualism has a positive effect on cognition and may delay the onset of dementia in older adults.  The participants, who live in the...Read More
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