Language Acquisition

Ahió Ahiá – Once upon a time

“For children, listening to a story is like opening a door to another world.” We all like listening to a good story! And we know that storytelling teaches children about the world and provides real-world social interaction. Through the storyteller´s words children internalize rhythms and tones  and through observation they are able to learn how...Read More

Falando Sobre Collocation

O termo collocation já faz parte do cenário de ensino de língua inglesa há um bom tempo. Há na história relatos sobre collocations desde o ano de 1933. Harold Palmer, linguista inglês, é tido como o primeiro a citar tal termo. Na introdução de um de seus livros, ele escreveu: “When a word forms an...Read More

Nem contra nem a favor – a Copa na sala de aula

Dizem que o ano começa agora – passadas as férias e o Carnaval, vamos retomar a vida até a próxima parada: a Copa do Mundo. Será impossível ficarmos alheios ao evento, que terá impacto inclusive no calendário escolar. Sem entrar no mérito da questão do ponto de vista político e econômico, tento aqui colocar o...Read More
Stephen Greene

Language Acquisition: The Bird is the Word

There is a cartoon that I love to watch called Family Guy (Uma Familia da Pesada).  It isn’t to everyone’s taste because of the casual violence, bad language and somewhat offensive jokes.  Whether you like it or not it’s clear that the writers know quite a bit about how young children behave. One of the...Read More

4 tips to help you teach advanced students

I don’t think I have ever taught or observed an advanced lesson that went seriously wrong. I mean cringe-worthy wrong. Which shouldn’t come as a surprise. After all, advanced students have been in the game long enough and know enough English to ensure that most of our lessons run – at worst – relatively smoothly....Read More

Lesson 1: Native and non-native teachers; horses for courses

Long ago, in 1981, before many of you were even contemplated, I was teaching at the British Council, Cairo, Egypt. An expensive, imported gringo, I was energetic, attractive, hirsuit, super-keen having just done my second TEFL diploma, and feeling like ‘Superteacher’. But, I quickly learned some important pedagogical lessons. I’ll blog a few of them...Read More
Stephen Greene

First vs Second Language Acquisition

This is my first blog for RichmondShare and I must say I am honoured, and a little bit in awe, to be sharing a platform with such great writers and professionals.  After reading some of the other posts already on this site the pressure is on to write something new, entertaining, interesting and relevant.  If...Read More

Falar o quê? Para quê? Para quem?

Segundo o portal de notícias do Senado Federal, um projeto apresentado em 2012 pelo Senador Cícero Lucena (PSDB-PB) está pronto para ser votado na Comissão de Educação do Senado (CE). O projeto (PLS 71/2012) tem como objetivo “incluir a fluência na oralidade como um dos objetivos do ensino de língua estrangeira no ensino fundamental e...Read More
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