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Inclusive Teaching

The Work Behind The Scenes

While scrolling through my Instagram feed I usually come across a lot of posts from teachers who advertise themselves as super organized and productive. It does make sense since being a teacher requires a set of skills that we learn to develop throughout the years. Another kind of post which is usually seen is the...Read More

Jazzing it up: Lessons from Miles Davis for our professional development

As you will probably agree, inspiration comes from the most unusual places. Just now, I felt so moved by a Netflix documentary about the jazz genius Miles Davis that I had to come here and write about the lessons I believe his career may bring to our professional development as teachers.   “The Musings of...Read More

Why Are We Beating Around The Bush?

The musical hit series Glee aired between 2009 and 2015. I remember watching it and thinking to myself: “What a wonderful and necessary series!”. Like most of Ryan Murphy’s work, there’s a lot of representation in it. And the fact that it focuses on teenagers making through high school makes it even more special as...Read More

Do You Shy Away From Shy Students?

It goes without saying that teachers of teenagers often worry about how fun and dynamic classes must be so as to keep students engaged and motivated. So pervasive is this concern among professionals who teach youngsters that we sometimes tend to disregard the importance of taking into account the quieter and shyer students in our...Read More

5 Film and Series quotes that help us become better teachers

Most of us cannot watch a film or an episode of our favourite series without trying to identify scenes that could be used in our lessons, right? Even if we just want to Netflix and chill, it just seems to be hardwired in our brains. In this post, I’ll take a look at some of...Read More

Rosso come il cielo: Teaching blind students

Last month I mentioned some important aspects to bear in mind when a teacher or a school welcomes a visually impaired student in the classroom. Two of them are fundamental for a successful learning environment, especially for the blind: Firstly we must understand their level of impairment and then most importantly, we shall never underestimate...Read More

Fighting Bullying with Inclusivity: A success case

Earlier this month I mentioned to a dear colleague that I started my teaching career as a part-time job just to make ends meet. What is also true is that it did not take me long to quit everything I was doing at the moment and dedicate myself full-time to the profession. Little did I...Read More
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