
Is the Brazilian ELT industry racist?

A few days ago, the Rio de Janeiro Secretary of Education criticized the actress Tais Araujo for her TED Talk in which she shares some of the challenges she will soon encounter as a mother of black children. The Secretary described it as ‘racial stupidity’. Needless to say, I was shocked to hear that. It...Read More

The ever-changing nature of ELT in Brazil: How teaching practices reflect glocal changes

PART 1: from the early 90’s to the early 2010’s What you are about to read is by no means to be regarded as an accurate description of ELT practices in Brazil throughout the last 3 decades. Rather, what I attempt to describe below is simply my very own perception of how ELT has throughout...Read More

A matter of balance – women as plenary speakers

If you have spent some time online in the past months, particularly on Facebook, you may have come across a number of posts followed by hundreds of comments, basically related to gender equality, or lack of it, in ELT events. Gender equality in general is an issue that has been discussed for a long time,...Read More

“Dress for the job you want”: rethinking attitude at work

How many times have you said or heard the phrase “when I get the job/ promotion, I will…”? It is usually because in a different position one may have more time, money or opportunities. Depending on what we complete the sentence with it might make sense and reflect necessary conditions for a different action. However,...Read More

See you (present) in Caxias do Sul!

“Why don’t you present at the next BRAZ-TESOL event?” “Me? I have nothing to talk about.” “Of course you do. You do this, that, and the other.” “Oh, but everybody does that.” “No, not everybody does that… You’re taking your talents for granted.” “But no one will want to listen to me.” “Think again.” It...Read More

Active participation encouraged – on organizing events

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending an event at the Braz-Tesol BH Chapter, “The 5 Cs in the 21st Century”. Flawlessly organized by Bia Hedegaard and her amazing team, this was the first event I went to after being involved in the organization of “BrELT on The Road”. One of the plenaries featured the...Read More
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