
Do we need to work on our English?

Following up on last month’s post, I’d like to dedicate this month’s installment to discussing the following question: What does it mean to know a language? Or, more to the point, what does it mean for a teacher of English to know the language? Without getting very technical and/or long-winded, it is my opinion that...Read More

“Hired for knowledge; fired for attitude”

I found it interesting that Vinicius Nobre in his last post wrote about how  social media and professional image are being watched when considering a person for  a job.  Actually, as professionals, ALL of us are being watched ALL the time, no matter where we stand. As a CELTA tutor I find that besides preparing...Read More

Social media and professional image: yes, you are being watched.

Last week we followed a discussion about the university professor who posted a photograph on Facebook of a passenger at Rio de Janeiro airport with extremely prejudiced and harmful comments regarding his social class. The nature of the event was already particularly offensive but caused even greater discomfort because the authors work in education. Fortunately...Read More

Language development for teachers

First of all, it’s an honor to be blogging here on RichmondShare along with some of the brightest stars in the Brazilian ELT market, and also a little scary! Thanks Richmond for the invitation and thank you all for reading! Now to the topic at hand: language development for teachers. Scott Thornbury (1997) wrote –...Read More

Low cost attitudes to improve your teaching

At the beginning of a New Year we usually make resolutions for different areas of our lives. As with other New Year’s resolutions, such as giving up smoking or doing more exercise, we teachers also think of  improving our language or teaching skills. These will definitely require a certain amount of self-discipline and in some...Read More
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