
On attending teacher’s conferences

I am now on a plane on my way to Natal-RN, where I’ll participate tomorrow in BRAZ-TESOL Rio Grande do Norte’s symposium, and I took this time to write this… ‘comeback post’, after a pretty long hiatus. Many months ago, I wrote a post on lesson observation here, and have owed the blog readers a...Read More

Being a NNEST in Brazil back in the 80s Part 1

The past is never where you think you left it.” —- Katherine Anne Porter Having lived a year in the US, I was convinced that I had become an American. I spoke American English, my clothes were mostly American, and I did not like black beans anymore. I could not help pronouncing the word Coke...Read More

Is there life after college?

Olá a todos! Recentemente, trouxe à baila em uma das minhas aulas na universidade no curso de graduação em Letras, o seguinte assunto: existe vida após a faculdade? Aparentemente, algumas pessoas estão muito preocupadas em terminar o curso, ir para a formatura, comemorar na festa e já arrumar um (ou mais) emprego(s) dando aula. Algum...Read More

Five tips for getting the most out of conferences

Already thinking about the upcoming Braz-TESOL conference, last month I wrote some tips for successful conference presentations, and my dear colleague and friend Elaine Hodgson wrote about networking at conferences as a key strategy for success. This time around, I would like to focus on tips for successful conference participation, with a view to helping...Read More
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