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Ensino de línguas na infância

Na atualidade, observamos o crescente interesse, por parte da sociedade em geral, da oferta do ensino de línguas adicionais na infância. Com isso, passamos também a discutir outros aspectos, como a formação de professores para o trabalho com crianças, as abordagens mais apropriadas e a qualidade dos materiais didáticos desenvolvidos para este fim, dentre outros....Read More

Achieving Harmony in Teaching and Personal Life

As a teacher or teacherpreneur, it is easy to become overwhelmed by the demands of the job. Lesson planning, grading, checking homework, and doing administrative tasks can quickly pile up, leaving little – if any – time for leisure activities. However, finding a healthy work-life balance is crucial for maintaining physical and mental well-being, and...Read More

Finders keepers, losers weepers

“Help I need somebody (Help) not just anybody (Help) you know I need someone (Help)” New school year, same old problems! After a well-deserved break, school administrators come back to find that part of their staff has left them hanging and, while staff shortage is seen as the Achille’s heel of ELT, few managers are...Read More

ChatGPT and the future of teaching: some reflections

The past couple of months have witnessed some uproar on what chatGPT bot is able to do. There is fear of a ‘threat’ to our jobs and to teaching and learning. I may not know much, but I learned earlier in life that everything changes and we evolve. Perhaps technology has brought us yet another...Read More

The Work Behind The Scenes

While scrolling through my Instagram feed I usually come across a lot of posts from teachers who advertise themselves as super organized and productive. It does make sense since being a teacher requires a set of skills that we learn to develop throughout the years. Another kind of post which is usually seen is the...Read More

“É melhor fazer aula com um falante nativo?”

“É melhor fazer aula com um falante nativo?” — pergunta o leigo. E hoje é com ele que vou falar. Você com certeza já deve ter visto cursos de inglês que anunciam aulas com professores nativos. Será esse de fato um diferencial? Vamos pensar aqui: se fosse o contrário e você fosse dar aula de português para...Read More

Lessons from the pandemic – a quick guide to the desperate teacher

You may have been flooded by positive messages on social media talking about how this pandemic is an opportunity to develop new projects, learn a new language, exercise more and drink two liters of water. This kind of toxic positivity is certainly not what teachers need. If you are looking for a flower power kind...Read More
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