Bilingual Education

Ensino de inglês em uma perspectiva interdisciplinar

O currículo tradicional de língua inglesa é geralmente organizado a partir de estruturas ou formas linguísticas. Nessa maneira de apresentação do conteúdo, o propósito do ensino de inglês é simplesmente a apreensão de um código, ou seja, o conhecimento sobre a língua. Para tanto, o ensino inicia de formas isoladas para formas compostos e apenas...Read More

Do we really want intercultural bilingual and language education in Brazil?

Interculturality is a very polyphonic word and has been used by many scholars in different ways and with diverse purposes. It is used in the Brazilian Common Core Curriculum (BNCC) which proposes an intercultural dimension and in the very recent proposal for Guidelines for Bilingual Education. The purpose of this text is to conceptualize interculturality...Read More

Propostas para Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Educação Bilíngue

O mês de junho trouxe, para nós que trabalhamos com Educação Bi/multilíngue, uma novidade, já outrora anunciada, uma Proposta para Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais. Como a maioria das propostas dessa natureza, o documento foi aberto para Consulta Pública que tem, pelo menos por princípio, o objetivo de propiciar que educadores, pesquisadores, estudantes, e sociedade em geral...Read More

CLIL is the New Black

Sunny afternoon in the capital of Brazil, a group of teachers awaits for the presentation of the new coursebooks. Curious eyes on the presenters, colorful boxes on the shelves and the expectation to end the day with grids and tables filled with content that would translate into a year’s worth of teaching. To their surprise,...Read More

We don’t live in boxes

Chaos. That’s what the world is all about. We spend our whole lives trying to organize what cannot be organized. We want to predict the unpredictable. We believe we can have control over our lives but there is no control. We have been doing the same with Education for centuries. We try to put knowledge...Read More

The secret handshake

Year: 1999. Group: Basic 1. Place: Uberaba, MG – Brasil. Seventeen-year-old Ana Carolina stepped into a classroom for the first time. Young, restless, feeling entitled by her recently acquired C2 diploma and, most importantly: raw. Fluent, for sure. After one year of isolation from all Portuguese speakers in a cultural exchange program before cell phones...Read More

Standing the test of time

Monday, 6 p.m., the sun peeking through the blinds in the brick and mortar language school building in Brazil. The teacher enters the room carrying a bag of props, flashcards, and her tape recorder. The recorder being to her as precious as a map to a Geography teacher: “Hi, John Peter! How are you today?”...Read More

Asking the right questions: what Inquiry-Based Learning can do for Bilingual Education

We need to be different to succeed – or to keep being successful after some time. That’s a rather upsetting idea, but it seems to be the norm when it comes to the ever-crescent and competitive market of bilingual schools. So what does ‘being different’ imply? Sometimes, it is about being bold when it comes...Read More
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