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Bilingual Education

Making it Visible: Shedding Light on What Happens Beyond the Book

Multiple choice: Your kid came home singing in English and you: a) record a video and share it in the family group chat b) congratulate their English teacher c) believe the school’s bilingual program is a success d) try to find the song in the coursebook   A school is a place filled with stimuli,...Read More

Helping learners to make sense of proposals for the C1 Advanced

Teaching exam classes is quite challenging for teachers, as some of the tasks candidates need to deal with are unlikely to reflect their everyday lives.   Take any writing task and think of ways you can make it meaningful for your students. Let’s consider proposals, for example. According to *Cambridge English Advanced handbook for teachers, a...Read More

Ensino de línguas na infância

Na atualidade, observamos o crescente interesse, por parte da sociedade em geral, da oferta do ensino de línguas adicionais na infância. Com isso, passamos também a discutir outros aspectos, como a formação de professores para o trabalho com crianças, as abordagens mais apropriadas e a qualidade dos materiais didáticos desenvolvidos para este fim, dentre outros....Read More

Finders keepers, losers weepers

“Help I need somebody (Help) not just anybody (Help) you know I need someone (Help)” New school year, same old problems! After a well-deserved break, school administrators come back to find that part of their staff has left them hanging and, while staff shortage is seen as the Achille’s heel of ELT, few managers are...Read More

What are the CLIL teacher´s competences?

Many authors agree that the most important aspect to CLIL implementation regardless of the context is a competent teacher. There is a shortage of well qualified CLIL teachers around the world (MEHISTO; MARSH; FRIGOLS, 2008). Ball, Kelly and Klegg (2015, p.268) point out that most of the teachers practicing CLIL ”are unlikely to have received...Read More

A translinguagem como ferramenta de aprendizagem

O conceito de translinguagem tem recebido cada vez mais atenção dos estudiosos em áreas diversas. Canagarajah (2011) fez um levantamento dos diferentes nomes que o fenômeno recebe em áreas distintas, como codemeshing, translingual writing, fluid lects e polylingual languaging. O autor explica que para um indivíduo bi/multilíngue, suas línguas fazem parte de um repertório que...Read More

Not about fish

In Biology, fish shoal (/shohl/), stay together, for social reasons, deriving many benefits from it: defense against predators, enhanced foraging success, and even higher success in finding a mate. Fish even choose shoalmates of their own species, similar to them in age, size and appearance. When a group of fish swims in the same direction...Read More

The challenges of being a bilingual teacher

As a teacher educator, I continually ask myself how to most effectively prepare teachers with professional knowledge and critical consciousness to engage in meaningful work with learners. Very recently, the new Guidelines for Plurilingual Education were approved and, according to them, teachers who teach through the additional language in Infant Education or Primary must have...Read More
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