Caring and Sharing: A post from the heart to Wrap Up 2014 | RichmondShare Blog | High quality content and interaction in the ELT world

Caring and Sharing: A post from the heart to Wrap Up 2014

I was wondering what to write about for this blog when that uncomfortable situation happened to me today. I felt completely demotivated, discouraged and willing not to be an educator at all.  (I could have been a doctor, like my dad or a party planner, as a very close friend always suggests me, or a travel planner. Perhaps I’d make more money and would have much fun.  But I decided to be a teacher, to be an educator, a giver).  For many reasons I decided not to share my disappointment with my family as they were so busy with their own work.  It was when a friend from a group I’m part of suddenly popped up in my smartphone talking to another friend about a very interesting topic.  I could not read them properly but I greeted them and shared my problem.  Immediately I had lots of comforting messages, good ideas and examples on how they survived from similar situations and experiences.

Yes, I’m talking about people I first met online, people who are part of my PLN (Professional Learning Network),  but who became real friends. People from different continents, with different time zones, religion and ages, but people I trust and learned to love and respect immensely.  From this  particular group of nine women I’ve met and hugged some of them in conferences and, believe me,  it was as if we had met for a long time. Interestingly this group was formed because we all agreed we should care about helping a friend.  To our surprise we not only have reached our main goal but we also became part of each other’s lives.  We have shared things of all sorts, from education to girlish stuff and from helping people to being helped.  We have talked about taking care of ourselves, to set limits to our actions, we have cried and laughed together, but mainly we have cared because we dare to share.

I’ve been told many times not to share information about my professional knowledge for free or not to care too much about the others.  Well, what should I do with my knowledge then?  And what if other people decided not to share with me?  How could I have become who I am? And how could I not care about the others?  What kind of person would I be? So before asking why we should care and share, perhaps it would be worth thinking about the fact that we do care and share. Perhaps it is far easier not to care because this way we do not need to leave our comfort zones. However, in some way, we are all givers and receivers. Perhaps Caring and sharing come near top of the list of how we do things which help define us at our most empathetic, giving, tender, reflective and nurturing. Caring isn’t optional when you’ve looked at the world. It’s like breathing, it’s necessary. Caring involves sharing, and both involve people who want to make the difference not matter they will or not be recognised.

I dedicate this post to all those from my PLN, to my family and friends, to those people I’ve met face to face,  to those I have not  met yet and to all those who dare to share and care.

Life is too short not to care. And the time always comes when you will need someone to care for you.

I wish you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New year. And may 2015 bring us all peace and  the joy of caring and sharing.

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Roseli Serra

Roseli is an enthusiastic educator in Brazil. Graduated in English and Portuguese, she works as an ELT consultant, teacher trainer, materials writer, Cambridge examiner and e-moderator. She's a member of the IATEFL LT (Learning Technologies) subcommittee and works, teaches and trains professionals in the area of TD and LT. She’s also a psychologist, a mentor and a coach certified by SLAC (Sociedade Latino Americana de Coaching). She has a post-graduate degree in Applied Linguistics and is now doing her MA studies in Science of Languages at UNICAP (Universidade Católica de Pernambuco). She truly believes in life-long learning and teacher development.

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