Roseli Serra, Autor em RichmondShare Blog | High quality content and interaction in the ELT world
Roseli Serra

2018 and My Final Reflections as a Senior Educator in a Very Peculiar Year

This post is specially dedicated to Roberta Caiado, Dóris Arruda C. Cunha and Karl H. Efken, three of my professors who have enlightened me with their thoughts, ethics, perseverance and wisdom and have helped me change my personal and professional life for better. Before writing this post, I was revisiting another one I wrote  (a...Read More


Image Credits https://goo.gl/R2jQy3 In a week from now a lot of teachers of English from Brazil and abroad will be attending the 16th Braz TESOL International Conference. Bearing this in mind, it reminded me of two plenary sessions from the14th BTIC, four years ago in João Pessoa (PB- Brazil), when both Luíz Otávio Barros and...Read More

Do English Language Teachers Need coaching? I do.

Images Credits: https://www.clipartmansion.com/clipart/optimism.html My previous post, Burnout in ELT  (https://richmondshare.com.br/burnout-in-elt/ )  made me think of the theme Coaching for teachers, since it could be of good help to prevent burnout or, perhaps,  it could be included in the treatment of it. I have recently attended the 52th IATEFL Conference in Brighton and, to my surprise,...Read More

Burnout in ELT

Photo from ELTPics by Branislav Kubecka  I’d like to thank all EFL/ESL teachers who agreed to participate and collaborate in my research of this important issue.   Burnout:  physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress (Oxford dictionary). Burnout is a theme which seems to have been frequently discussed among EFL teachers recently. I myself have reflected about it...Read More

Teaching and Training with New Technologies – Part 1

I have always been fascinated by technology. And when I met Ana Maria Menezes[1], my mentor  in this area, I realised that I would never teach or train teachers the same way. So my beliefs about teaching and training have changed completely. Having been a member of the LT SIG[2] in the IATEFL [3]  and have...Read More

Teaching pronunciation is worth – Using Pronunciation Teaching Techniques To Clarify Regular – ED Endings

After a year or more, I’m back to blogging.  This time I have decided to study and write a little about a subject that is not really comfortable for me to teach and I guess that for lots of my colleagues, it is not easy as well. Let’s then talk about pronunciation  regarding the regular...Read More

A (Brazilian) Portrait of PD for Teachers: From Dilemma Managers to Subjects of Practice and Knowledge

It’s been quite a long period of silence. In my last post I wrote about changes. One of those changes has to do with the fact that in my current job I have visited schools all over Brazil. I have been to rich and poor schools and I have met wonderful teachers with similar dreams...Read More

What Is Reflective Teaching And Why Is It Important?

“Teachers are the busiest professionals on Earth”.  “Teachers never stop working”. How many times have you heard statements like those above?  I bet many times. And how many times have you stopped to reflect upon your teaching practice? Have you ever done it? How?  What was the last time you’ve been observed? What was the...Read More
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