Natália Guerreiro


Vinicius Diamantino organized a much needed online panel* about how to deliver killer presentations at ELT and educational events. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to participate as planned, but what follows is what I had prepared: how to write effective abstracts and summaries that will get you accepted as a speaker in the first place. Do,...Read More

Sister Act: Mudança de Hábito

I have a confession to make. But first, some background: as a gander around most teacher rooms or ELT conference audiences will quickly show us, language teaching is eminently a female profession. The British Council reports that 81% of English language teachers in the Brazilian public school system are women, and the Brazilian Ministry of Education...Read More

Volunteering and developing at the same time

BRAZ-TESOL, Brazil’s largest association of English language teaching professionals, needed a video that explained what it stands for, so I made one. My qualifications for making the video? None. Learning as I went, I ended up with something that has made me very proud.  Of course making a video when you’re not a professional is...Read More

Tips on the 16th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference in Caxias do Sul

This is a post for all of you who are planning to attend the 16th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference (16th BTIC) in Caxias do Sul, RS, in July, but don’t know where to start. In case you haven’t heard of the event, BRAZ-TESOL is the largest ELT association in Brazil and its international conference brings together...Read More

How misheard lyrics can help your learners listen better

Do you have students that complain they can’t understand the listening tracks until you let them read the transcripts? The solution could be in Richard Cauldwell’s work, which has been brought to my attention by my dearest Higor Cavalcante. The author of Phonology for Listening and of the forthcoming A Syllabus for Listening, Cauldwell did an...Read More

Whose meaning is it anyway?*

“What’s the meaning of…” seems to be a perfectly innocent question. But language is never innocent, is it?    I give you exhibit A, the word white-shoe: According to The American Heritage, “white-shoe adj. Of or being a long-established business known for reputable service and a wealthy clientele: “took a job at… [a] pronouncedly white-shoe investment-banking firm” (Connie Bruck)”...Read More

Oops! A lesson on embarrassing stories

If you are suffering from Novemberitis and need a comical interlude or just an idea for a lesson, here’s an integrated-skills lesson plan for B2 learners. The topic is embarrassing stories  and students will read about it to get in the topic, listen to a celebrity telling her own stories and talk throughout. The main...Read More

See you (present) in Caxias do Sul!

“Why don’t you present at the next BRAZ-TESOL event?” “Me? I have nothing to talk about.” “Of course you do. You do this, that, and the other.” “Oh, but everybody does that.” “No, not everybody does that… You’re taking your talents for granted.” “But no one will want to listen to me.” “Think again.” It...Read More

More than a cut above average: a chat with my hairdresser about professional development

I had a haircut the other day and got to talking to the hairdresser, an energertic 31-year-old professional who I’ve been going to for a few years now. [Don’t worry, I haven’t gone mad(der) and won’t be rambling on about beauty on a teacher-oriented blog. The relevance of the chat will become evident soon, I...Read More
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