Gabriela Fróes

How can we empower our female students?

We have recently celebrated Women’s Day. As I walked to and from work this last week, I kept thinking about the female students that I have. Their names sometimes carry a lot of meaning: the victorious Vitoria. The brave Valentina. Lucia, full of light. This reminded me of Esperanza, a strong female character from a...Read More

Building automaticity: a short story

Last January 3rd, my husband and I were driving back home from the beautiful state of Minas Gerais. Days before, during our stay in the effervescent Belo Horizonte, the capital city, we had met a very interesting twenty-something Japanese young man in the hostel. His name is Goro and he’d been living in Brazil for...Read More

The 5 things I wish someone had told me about the CELTA before I took it

If you are an English teacher, you have certainly heard about the CELTA. CELTA stands for Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, and it is one of the most accepted and respected TEFL courses in the world. Teachers love to talk about it because… well, it is pretty awesome indeed. It’s a 120-hour training...Read More

Speaking: how much of “controlled practice” is actually “contrived practice”?

[This is a reflection; I am not here to give you answers nor do I have any. I would like to pick your brain about something that has been bothering me for long.] The first time I went to Argentina was in 2010. Getting there, my former boyfriend, having learned a little of the language...Read More
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