Ahió Ahiá - Once upon a time | RichmondShare Blog | High quality content and interaction in the ELT world

Ahió Ahiá – Once upon a time

“For children, listening to a story is like opening a door to another world.”

We all like listening to a good story! And we know that storytelling teaches children about the world and provides real-world social interaction.

Through the storyteller´s words children internalize rhythms and tones  and through observation they are able to learn how to pair gestures and words to bring characters and their actions to life.

One of the projects we develop at Colégio A. Liessin is based on storytelling. We work with storytelling with all our kindergarten students, but our 5 and 6 year-old kids have a storytelling class once a week.

For our “Pré II” groups, besides the different fairy tales and children´s classic books, we select one story to be worked on and acted out as a play by the end of the year. The great difference between this project and others developed in schools or language schools is that it´s implemented in English and Hebrew simultaneously.

As soon as we select the “theme of the year”, students are told the story in English and Hebrew and as they feel it, they make up some lines on their own to be part of the play. Songs are selected in both languages as well.

We presented the story of The Little PrinceHanassich Hakatan by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry last year. Part of the play can be checked out in the link below.

Looking forward to seeing the final product of the classic Around the World in 80 days by Jules Verne next November!

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Ana Beatriz Medeiros de Sousa

Bia Medeiros - I have been in ELT for over 30 years – teaching, coordinating, managing and training teachers. I am currently the coordinator of the English department of Colégio A. Liessin Scholem Aleichem Botafogo in Rio de Janeiro. I am very interested in understanding how students learn as I am also an Educational Psychologist. I will be blogging about different areas of the ELT world using the experience I have in Colégio A. Liessin. E-mail: anabeatriz@liessin.com.br

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