No regrets, just lessons learned!
2022! Phew, what a ride!
If I start looking back at how everything went down, from January to this very moment, I had several reasons to cry, from bursts of anxiety to significant losses around me. But I have so much to celebrate, so much to smile about. So here at this text, I would like to show you 3 lessons that I’ve learned throughout the year. If you, who are reading this text, can identify yourself with any of these points, I invite you to celebrate them. Show your appreciation to the ones around you, be it professionally or personally. Because the best people I know are people who are genuinely their truest selves, unapologetically.
Firstly, learning how to stand for causes I believe. I have always been a person who would stay quiet in the face of conflict. Maybe it was my sense of preservation screaming louder than anything else, or even fear of letting the world know that I didn’t have what it takes, but guess what? My fear will not take the best out of me anymore, and I got to know that some people grow and develop stronger in the face of adversity.
Secondly, family and friends are an essential part in your life’s journey. They will keep you sane when the world seems to have lost its minds, on track when you think you’re losing focus, and focused when everything else distracts you from your way. So you should lift others whenever you have the chance, but allow yourself to be vulnerable whenever you need. Even the strongest tree might need a little help to stay in place through a thunderstorm. So to you, my friends and family, you know who you are. Thank you!!!
Thirdly, the ELT community is enormous, but at the same time very small. Therefore, make sure you cultivate as many strong relationships as possible. Also, if you see any teachers or ELT professionals who are going astray from the community, call them back. If you can help them and guide them with all the choices they have, take their hand and assist them whenever possible. I am a strong believer in the strength of our amazing group, and I always try to show that teacher, no matter how far they are from the bigger group, that they have a lot to show and a lot to share.
And last but not least: if you do a good job, you’ll always find open doors no matter where you go. Greatest living proof of this is the invitation to start contributing to the RichmondShare’s blog again. Thank you for the invitation!
So that’s it! 2022! The year that has brought tears but also great joy, and moments to celebrate. I really hope 2023 is kinder, but it will surely be amazing no matter what! Merry Christmas everyone, and a happy new year. See you in January.